Has the weather looked a bit monochromatic lately? Let’s brighten
things up a bit by mapping something colorful. How about a flower
shop? Flowers, bouquets, corsages and arrangements for events are
available from a florist shop.
This is your Project of the Week. Make suggestions. Inspire other
mappers. What is it about contributing to OpenStreetMap that
interests you? Postboxes? Bowing alleys? Share your OpenStreetMap
interests by contributing a Project of the Week.
Florist photo by Lenore Edman http://www.flickr.com/photos/lenore-m/
is licensed CC-By http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en_CA
There is an interesting story about the neon florist sign.
It would be even greater if @openstreetmap would actually render shop=florist on the map.
At some point osm will probably change its strategy for rendering POIs/shops. Most maps use javascript for that nowdays, lets see if Openlayers will ever be fast enough for that.