The upcoming State of the Map conference, 2010 edition is going to be
loaded with great presentations, awesome workshops and more Mappy
Goodness than you can shake a stick at. But it will also be a lot of
fun. Some of the fun will be the ad-hoc enjoyment of a thoughtful
cartography conversation among peers. Some of the fun will be
learning about and enjoying the culture and hospitality of our hosts
in Girona, Spain. And some of the fun will be singing songs about
maps at the top of our lungs.
The SotM 2010 organizing committee sends us the following contest challenge:
Do you remember the 2008 Limerick Limerick contest?
And the 2009 Amsterdam Haikus?
Then you should be asking yourself “What kind of poetry will we have
to master this SotM10?”. Unfortunately for you, this year there won’t
be a poetry contest.
This time we’ll be doing something different. As the State of the Map
2010 venue is actually a concert hall, we’ll host the first official
OpenStreetMap Concert Contest.
The rules are simple:
* Make a song, or change the lyrics of an existing song. The song
must be about OSM, maps, GPS, GIS software, or cartography.
* You may assemble a band to play the song together (or play solo).
* You may use the concert hall A/V facilities (amplifiers, audio
inputs, video playback, etc). Please do talk with the SotM10
organising committee if you plan to.
* You will be required to play the song during SotM10.
Get the full details and sign up for a spot on stage:
Concert photo by Foxtongue http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxtongue/ is
licensed CCBY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en