I previously blogged about geospatial vision and the cool things they’re doing. I got the chance to go up and talk to them and this podcast with their technical director, Geoff Cross is the result. Have a look at their site to get a better idea. Enjoy!
Category Archives: Podcasts
Podcast: OS Mashup talk
EuroOSCON podcast
I’m at Euro OSCON where I spoke about open data and of course OSM. There’s an OSM workshop tomorrow too, get in touch if you want to come along. It’s not really an OSM talk, you can listen to it here and the slides are here in a PDF. Enjoy!
Where 2.0 podcasts
With Where 2.0 coming up it might be good to listen to last years where 2.0 talks on the excellent IT Conversations network. There are some good talks, you just hear them 9-12 months after the event it seems. O’Reilly are missing a trick, I think people would pay to hear them… or maybe they already do?
Podcast: reboot 8
Here is an un-edited, powerbook-recorded mp3 of my talk at reboot 8 in Copenhagen. Here is a PDF of the slides so you can follow along. If someone wants to edit out the ‘ums’ and ‘ers’ or link the slides in to a proper podcast with garageband for video ipods please do! 🙂 here is a mind map someone made and here is the reboot wiki page relating to the talk.
Podcast: David Groom

This podcast has a slightly abrupt start and end as David and I were rudely interrupted by, er, a TV crew. But hey. It was recorded on Friday 5th May on the sunny Isle of Wight (as it was then, the next few days were wet) whilst waiting for people to arrive on the Isle.
Podcast: Nick Hill
Nick and I spent a day tearing apart donated computers and racks last week and afterward ended up in a pub. We talked about openstreetmap and how he’s getting data in there. Here is an 11 meg mp3 which lasts 25 minutes. Again, if you subscribe to the RSS feed in iTunes etc then you’ll magically get the audio in your iPod. Enjoy!
Podcast: Ed Parsons
One of the cool things about wordpress 2.0 is that you can drop an mp3 in to it and it magically becomes a podcast, including the RSS feed bits (so yes, you can subscribe to this feed in iTunes). I thought it would be useful to talk to people within openstreetmap and slightly further afield in the geo community as openstreetmap grows beyond everyone knowing each other. If you have a story to tell please get in touch, it’s likely I might ask to talk to you anyway 🙂 You can discuss this cast, and maybe help transcribe it if that’s useful here. The first cast is me speaking to Ed Parsons who is CTO of the OS and says some pretty intersting things, but has detractors. You can find the 21Mb mp3 here. Enjoy.