12/12/2010 – 12/23/2010
Every week a lot of things are happening in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) world. It can be hard to keep track of all the different communication channels and don’t miss any important news. That’s why we’ve created a short summary of all the news here. Enjoy!
- The official OSM website openstreetmap.org has got several updates. You can now see 30 mappers around your location in your user area (previously only 10). Furthermore the last changesets of the mappers are displayed.
- A new version of the bing analyser tool is ready for use! See Martijn’s announcement here.
- Minutes of the OpenStreetMap-Foundation board meeting last week are now available here. Primary topic: “The OSMF board mandates the LWG to enforce mandatory acceptance of the CT and ODBL in order to edit the database by March 31st.”
- OSMF Board Interview Series: Simone Cortesi and Emilie Laffray
- OSM contributor Komяpa has found a way to render impressive 3D buildings with Mapnik – see also Image of the week.
- State of the Map 2011 is searching for a logo, you can help and submit a fun, original logo design.
- Taginfo has got serveral updates, read the news at the OSM-Talk mailing list.
- OpenMaps version 4.0 was released. It is an iOS-app and can show offline OSM maps. More information on the website and in the AppStore.
- Nanomap is a new Open Source JavaScript Map Library, announcement here.
- The OSM community in Austria incorporated an “OpenStreetMap Austria Verein”, which is similar to the OSM foundation but for Austria. It will be the legal body for the organization of the upcoming SOTM-EU and further acitivies of the OSM community in Austria.
- Do you want to know your rank in comparison to all other OSM contributors? Pascal’s “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap” website can now display that too.
- Last year in maps or “2010: Mapped”, partly powered by OSM data & neat Itoworld visualizations. See the blog post here. -MapQuest launches http://open.mapquest.com/ – supports OpenStreetMap in the US. MapQuest also updated Nominatim, Potlatch 2, the map style and added bug reporting with MapDust.
- Do you still search for some christmas gifts? Here are several suggestions:
For more news, especially regarding new tags and wiki pages, you can check-out the community-updates over here.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2011!
Authors: Pascal, Jonas, Martijn & Dennis.
We missed something? You want to help us collecting the news for next week’s issue?
You can contact us via mail or Twitter.