Category Archives: WeeklyOSM

Weekly OSM Summary #1

11/06/2010 – 11/13/2010

Every week a lot of things are happening in the OpenStreetMap world. New map renderings are created, new services are released and the map gets better and better every day. It can be hard to keep track of all the different communication channels and don’t miss any important news. Since we read most of those channels anyway, we decided to collect all the things we find newsworthy enough to list them at the end of the week here. To every news we’ve attached a short description and you can always find more information on the linked websites. Enjoy!

  • “New search” with live suggestions built-in, based on Nominatim and the Google Closure framework. You can try out the search here or read Martijn’s blog post here.
  • PocketNavigator is an Android app based on OSM data that uses tactile feedback to guide you through your way.
  • Fabian Schmidt has created a map that highlights ODbL licensed streets by color. Green streets would still be available after the switch to the new license, red ones wouldn’t. Yellow ones were edited by users who have agreed to the new Contributor Terms AND users who haven’t yet agreed. This map is updated with new data daily.
  • MapQuest has released its own Bicycle routing service based on OSM data.
  • Elevation Service based on SRTM data, for example to combine with OSM Routers MapQuest DevBlog
  • When you visit any of the open.mapquest websites right now, you’re greeted with a splash page that promotes MapQuest’s use of OSM data.
  • Want to attend the upcoming SOTM-EU 2011 in Vienna? You can add your name into the wiki here.
  • Computerteddy created a new OSM Map for Garmin Devices that is optimized for cars.
  • Want to use OSM Maps in iPhoto 09 or 11? MacPad provides a small HowTo.
  • Sven Geggus wrote a blogpost about creating a WMS-Server in about 100 lines of python code.

For more news, especially regarding new tags and wiki pages, you can check-out the community-updates over here.

Authors: Pascal, Jonas & Dennis.
We missed something? You want to help us collecting the news for next week’s issue?
You can contact us via mail or Twitter.

[If you like this summary, be sure to tell Pascal, Jonas and Dennis.  If you don’t like it, tell them how it can be improved!]